How to Calm Your Anxious Mind with Art

Being so anxious that you can't focus on anything, all you feel is your heart racing and the muscles twitching. We have all been there, haven't we? With anxiety, every moment feels chaotic. Those of you who have come here with a restless heart, hear me out: Here are some techniques that will help calm your anxiety. Art always comes to our rescue. I will tell you some effective ways in which art can help you relax your anxious nerves.

● Find an open space-

Find an open space. If you're somewhere that doesn't have an open space, choose a place that is comparatively less packed. That will make you feel less claustrophobic. You can also sit in the company of plants. Sit down and close your eyes. Meditate for a while.

Gather all your art supplies- 

Bring together all your art supplies. Take out all your poster colours, acrylics, crayons, chalks, markers, pastels, notebooks and paint brushes. Scatter them around you. Make them surround you. After all, they are your safe haven. You are secure in their company.

Play your favourite music-

While you paint, play your favourite tunes. Music eases anxiety. Listen to some soft songs and sing along. Divert your mind. Immerse yourself in music as it heals you.

Make a colour explosion-

Don't be afraid to make a mess. There are no rules of painting. Spill colour in your canvas. Try differnent shades in your notebook. Chalk blue. Pastel pink. Try any colour you like. Put your emotions in paper in the form of colours.

Take your time-

There is no hurry. Play with your colours for as much time you like. Do it as long as you find joy in it. Don't look at the clock. You have all the time in this world. Give yourself time to heal. 

Anxiety is not easy. It sickens you from within. But art enlivens you. Take some time off your schedule every day and make so art. It doesn't have to be perfect as long as you enjoy it. Art is one of the best way to divert your mind. In long run, it relieves you from the anxious thoughts.


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